
  1. 3. food given free for charitable purposes.
  2. 7. It l means to cut or tear apart something with sharp instrument or teeth.
  3. 9. It is something that nourishes the mind or the body. Most commonly it is food in the sense of something that satisfies the need to eat.
  4. 12. the principal dish of a meal, the star attraction, the centerpiece around which chefs build the complete meal.
  5. 13. It is an act of giving food to the livestock or someone.
  6. 14. It is food .i.e. especially dried hay that is used to feed domesticated livestock.
  7. 17. A stock of food or needed materials made available for specific use, as by an expedition
  8. 19. It is a slang used for to eat.
  9. 20. It is the cool area where food is stored prior to use.
  1. 1. Share or supply of food that is determined and supplied to a person. It can also be called a food allowance for one day.
  2. 2. the minimum amount of food necessary for survival; also, the equivalent in non-edible commodities
  3. 4. It can be defined as something that supports or nourishes life .i.e. food.
  4. 5. a style of preparing food.
  5. 6. food It is a very famous term that is used for the food that can be easily and quickly cooked.
  6. 8. This is a word borrowed from Greek Mythology and refers to the food of the gods.
  7. 10. It can be defined as a characteristic of food that makes it fit to be eaten.
  8. 11. A meal served to a group of people who routinely eat together, as a ship’s crew; also, that group of people or the location where they eat, or a certain amount of food.
  9. 15. daily foodstuffs; also it is called food purchased at a store.
  10. 16. food It can be defined as a food that is prepared to give someone a sense of well being .i.e. is easy to eat and easy to digest.
  11. 18. a table that is meant for serving food.