
  1. 4. cousin to cauliflower
  2. 5. this plant is actually a berry!
  3. 7. you turn this vegtable into pickles
  4. 12. cousin to broccoli
  5. 14. grilled cheese and ______ soup
  6. 16. this grows under the sea
  7. 18. this vegetable has "eyes"
  8. 19. this pepper is not spicy
  1. 1. a type of squash
  2. 2. this vegetable has a myth that it is good for your eyes
  3. 3. like lettuce, but with smooth edges
  4. 6. similar to peas
  5. 8. ____ and corn
  6. 9. this vegetable has "ribs"
  7. 10. This is also called maize
  8. 11. the main ingredient in borscht [bor-sh]
  9. 13. you use this in guacamole
  10. 15. used in salad a lot
  11. 17. you eat this when your stomach hurts