  1. 3. is a yellow or white dairy.
  2. 6. they are delicious and nutritious legumes, contain many nutrients.
  3. 7. this fish contains very little fat and is also low in calories.
  4. 9. it is famous to eat it fried but cooked it is healthier.
  5. 11. they are cultivated for their seeds, they have oil content and high protein content.
  6. 12. this type of meat contains little fat and is consumed a lot on festivities.
  7. 13. it is consumed canned or cooked.
  8. 15. it is an excellent source of iron that helps prevent or control anemia.
  9. 18. this type of meat is the most consumed in the world, it contains vitamins and proteins.
  10. 20. it is a cereal with very small grains, which contain amino acids.
  1. 1. is a snack that contains the seeds.
  2. 2. they come from the ocean, they are very delicious.
  3. 3. they are one of the healthiest legumes and nutritious.
  4. 4. it is round and inside is white and yellow.
  5. 5. this pink fish swims against the current.
  6. 8. its flavor is made in one of the favorite meats.
  7. 10. it is a delicious natural cereal, very healthy.
  8. 14. this dried fruit contains nutrients like fiber, vitamin E and magnesium.
  9. 16. it is prepared with soybeans and its origin is oriental.
  10. 17. it is a basic food that is part of the traditional diet.
  11. 19. it is a white dairy drink.