
  1. 2. Japanese noodle
  2. 3. Long, savory, you can eat this with porridge
  3. 11. Pasta but it shaped like a cake
  4. 13. Made with rice, usually with salmon, and rolled
  5. 14. A long bread
  6. 15. Japanese meat ball with octopus leg inside
  7. 16. use water, and you can made it with vegetables, hot
  8. 17. Flaky soft bread with chocolate inside
  9. 20. It has sweet, you can make it with apple or other fruit, its crust shaped like a bowl
  1. 1. Made from fermented soybean
  2. 4. like a chicken wrap but more meat
  3. 5. You always get this on mcdonald, type of ice cream
  4. 6. Flat rice noodle
  5. 7. Pork noodle
  6. 8. Lamb heart
  7. 9. Its very famous, it’s a spaghetti with melted cheese on top
  8. 10. Rice wrap with seaweed
  9. 12. Made from chicken, crispy outside
  10. 18. Rice with egg and vegetables on top
  11. 19. Yellow rice, stacked with chicken, spices, and others