
  1. 2. Basic breakfast food
  2. 4. Raw fish
  3. 5. Vanillas biggest rival
  4. 7. Yellow Boomerang
  5. 8. Orange vegetable
  6. 11. Smells bad
  7. 14. Cow
  8. 15. Messed up apple
  9. 16. Not actuallt made fro dogs, I think...
  10. 17. Not actually from France
  11. 19. Cooked pig
  12. 21. Tomato spelt with a P
  1. 1. Outside is green but the inside is full of red and seeds
  2. 3. Very good
  3. 4. Sounds like "Sand Witch"
  4. 6. Crafted with 3 buckets of milk, 3 wheat, 2 sugar, and 1 egg
  5. 9. Red or green fruit
  6. 10. Frozen dessert
  7. 12. Sun with white hair
  8. 13. Better than pancakes
  9. 14. Red fish
  10. 18. tiny version of #6
  11. 20. Circle with a circle in it