
  1. 2. a fruit that grows on trees
  2. 4. it is green and has a lot of seeds
  3. 6. something delicious and Japanese
  4. 8. fast food that is yellow
  5. 10. something green with a brown seed
  6. 12. a red vegetable
  7. 14. a yellow fruit
  8. 15. something Italian
  9. 16. it has icing on it
  1. 1. blue fruit that is very small
  2. 3. something good for dessert
  3. 5. somethig Asian that is inside sushi
  4. 7. something swedish
  5. 9. a orange vegetable and rabbits love it
  6. 11. a small red fruit with something green on top
  7. 13. you can do juice with it