
  1. 4. Mexico dish that consists of heated tortilla chips covered with melted cheese
  2. 7. which country invented ice cream
  3. 8. National food of China
  4. 12. Macarons were invented in this country
  5. 14. Vodka is made from which ingredient?
  6. 16. What is the main ingredient in hash browns?
  7. 18. a type of fried dough from Spanish and Portuguese cuisine
  8. 19. most popular wine in the world
  9. 20. The national drink of Mexico
  10. 21. Who invented pie pastry?
  11. 22. Greek national dish composed of eggplant or potatoes
  12. 23. Which type of pastry is boiled before it is baked?
  13. 24. What is the national dish of Germany?
  14. 25. Most popular chocolate brand in Australia
  15. 26. What type of cake was mentioned in the film "My big fat Greek wedding"
  1. 1. What ingredient in bread causes it to rise?
  2. 2. primary ingredient in red bull
  3. 3. What nut is traditionally on the Waldorf salad?
  4. 5. The most expensive spice
  5. 6. Greece national drink
  6. 9. Mozzarella sticks are prepared using which type of cooking process?
  7. 10. Origin of sushi
  8. 11. national food of Australia
  9. 13. traditional Mexican dish consisting of a small hand-sized corn or wheat tortilla topped with a filling
  10. 15. Most common ice cream flavor
  11. 17. main ingredient of mince pie?
  12. 18. Which country serves as the home of the largest farm in the world?
  13. 22. Name of the Italian Pizza with tomato sauce and mozzarella