
  1. 5. a pear-shaped fruit with a rough leathery skin,smooth oily edible flesh
  2. 6. vegetable with pungent taste and smell ,usually used in flavouring
  3. 8. an oval or round subject ,enclosed in a chalky shell
  4. 9. a fleshy yellowish-red tropical fruit which is eaten ripe or used green for pickles
  5. 10. a fruit that has hard and tough shell
  6. 12. food that contain more carbohydrate for body
  7. 14. taste sweet and eaten as confectionery
  8. 15. a dish consisting of oatmeal or cereal boiled in water
  1. 1. a berry ,usually used in making wine
  2. 2. a large edible fish with pink flesh
  3. 3. a semi-solid sourish food prepared from milk fermented by added bacteria
  4. 4. taste sweet
  5. 7. a large juicy fruit with a tough bright reddish-yellow rind
  6. 11. food that contain protein
  7. 13. a glossy red fruit ,and usually eat in a salad