
  1. 2. 6 an organism that is able to form nutritional organic substances from simple inorganic substances such as carbon dioxide.
  2. 3. 20 act in such a way as to have an effect on another; act reciprocally.
  3. 7. 22 suffer death, typically in a violent, sudden, or untimely way.
  4. 9. 4 a person or thing that makes or causes something.
  5. 10. 7 an organism deriving its nutritional requirements from complex organic substances.
  6. 11. 17 an individual animal, plant, or single-celled life form.
  7. 12. 13 an animal that feeds on carrion, dead plant material, or refuse.
  8. 17. 12 are largely comprised of carnivores that feed on the primary consumers or herbivores.
  9. 18. 9 a system of interlocking and interdependent food chains.
  10. 20. 3 an animal or person that eats food of both plant and animal origin.
  11. 21. 1 an animal that feeds on flesh.
  12. 22. 10 a hierarchical series of organisms each dependent on the next as a source of food.
  13. 23. 25 a position or role taken by a particular kind of organism within its community. Such a position may be occupied by different organisms in different localities, e.g., antelopes in Africa and kangaroos in Australia.
  14. 24. 5 an organism that derives the organic compounds and energy it needs from the consumption of other organisms; a heterotroph.
  1. 1. 18 a community of animals, plants, or humans among whose members interbreeding occurs.
  2. 4. 21 prosper; flourish
  3. 5. 16 physical rather than biological; not derived from living organisms.
  4. 6. 11 are herbivores, feeding on plants.
  5. 8. 14 a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.
  6. 10. 2 an animal that feeds on plants.
  7. 13. 24 occurring in small numbers or quantities; rare.
  8. 14. 8 an organism, especially a soil bacterium, fungus, or invertebrate, that decomposes organic material.
  9. 15. 19 a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.
  10. 16. 23 existing in or yielding great quantities; abundant.
  11. 19. 15 relating to or resulting from living things, especially in their ecological relations.