
  1. 3. One of the kitchen staples that rhymes with flower
  2. 4. A type of food that has a large hole in the middle
  3. 7. A career where all you do is cooking
  4. 8. Used to help us grab things out of the oven without getting burned (2 words)
  5. 9. Used to heat up food quickly
  6. 12. We usually use this when using pots and pans and it usually sits on top of ovens
  7. 13. A kitchen staple that comes from a cow and is a type of liquid
  8. 15. What we eat our food on usually
  1. 1. What we use to store our food
  2. 2. A famous chef (quote: "Where's the lamb sauce!?")
  3. 5. What can heat up our foods (it can be conventional or fan)
  4. 6. General name for what we eat
  5. 7. What we use to eat
  6. 10. I like to ___ food
  7. 11. What we use to help us cook
  8. 14. Used to help us protect ourselves and our clothes when cooking