  1. 1. Carbon dioxide is IR in active due to its -------------- structure
  2. 3. Infrared radiation deals with the ----------------------- of the bond
  3. 6. the deterioration process of a nutrient found using UV visible spectroscopy is
  4. 7. Phenolphthalein reacts with ------------------- that produces a compound which absorbs light in the ultraviolet region
  5. 9. In infrared spectroscopy the peaks for aldehyde and ketone come in the same region ( carbonyl bond), so presence of each can be identified by -------------- test
  6. 12. A proton is highly shielded, since it is attached to --------------------- atom
  7. 13. The ability to reproduce the same result or value obtained in an analysis is called as
  8. 16. -------------------- is one of the forms of vibration shows maximum change in dipole moment and so is considered in Infrared spectroscopy
  9. 17. Electro magnetic radiation used in NMR spectroscopy is -------------------.
  10. 18. Presence of ------------------- in sample can lead to unwanted OH peaks in the IR spectrum
  11. 20. the analysis that is used to find out how much of a particular component is present
  12. 24. FTIR instrumention differs from IR, due to the presence of ------------------
  13. 27. Beer Lambert law will not be obeyed by a ------------ solution
  14. 28. Molar absorptivity coefficient is the absorption of solution of unit concentration having unit --------------------
  15. 30. TMS used as standard in NMR contains ------------------ in the centre of the struicture
  1. 2. Component that produces light of single wavelength
  2. 4. A proton which is single type and more in number which have a ------------- peak
  3. 5. Esterification reaction can be analysed using ----------------
  4. 8. The process carried out by heating in the presence of oxygen with any acid (mineral) at low temperature is
  5. 10. Substance A shows fluorescence, then it is a
  6. 11. In contrast to the neutralisation reaction seen in acid base titration the pH meter works on the principle of ------------ of the solution
  7. 14. Presence of both fluorophore and chromophore in a substance creates ------------------------ to fluorescence
  8. 15. Nucleus with ---------------- atomic number has a nuclear spin
  9. 19. Infrared spectroscopy involves plot of ------------------------ with transmittance
  10. 21. Sample A shows a transition of electrons under UV visible spectroscopy from π to πstar. This means the sample is
  11. 22. In any kind of protein analysis we find out the ----------------- present in the food sample as the amino acids contain most of this
  12. 23. A mango colored biscuit sample will show absorbance in the ---------- region
  13. 25. Potassium bromide and Nujol used in sample preparation in infrared spectroscopy are IR -----------
  14. 26. Fluorescence spectroscopy can be used to determine an amino acid which is a pre cursor of Niacin, the amino acid is
  15. 29. Food ------ is the discipline dealing with the development, application and study of analytical procedures for characterizing the properties of foods and their constituents