Food and drink

  1. 3. A sweet drik with bubbles
  2. 4. The English for "ostrica"
  3. 7. The name of pig meat
  4. 8. It is inside a cherry, an apricot or a plum
  5. 10. It means to cook in the oven
  6. 11. Its opposite is "tough"
  7. 12. Its synonym is "carbonated"
  8. 14. To cut into pieces
  9. 16. It means "masticare"
  10. 17. The English for "tisana"
  11. 18. It means "maturo"
  12. 19. Another word for "French fries"
  1. 1. You do it to an orange to get its juice
  2. 2. The English for "ananas"
  3. 5. The English for "marcio"
  4. 6. Meat with little fat in it
  5. 9. It's orange, can be grated a& eaten raw
  6. 12. The English for "crostaceo"
  7. 13. You do it when you eat an icecream in a cone
  8. 15. To remove the skin of a potato