Food and Health

  1. 3. a certain part of meat
  2. 5. to show
  3. 6. something you can cut shapes with
  4. 9. a law
  5. 10. something you can bread food with, e.g. Schnitzel
  6. 12. to eat
  7. 14. a dead animal
  8. 15. insides of an animal
  9. 16. food that is not fresh
  10. 18. well known
  11. 19. food, e.g. meat, in a certain shape
  1. 1. effect or influence
  2. 2. potatoes, noodles, or bread are ...
  3. 4. something that gives food taste
  4. 7. not all of something
  5. 8. something that connects parts in your body
  6. 11. something inside your bones
  7. 13. a "food professional"
  8. 17. a lot of something