Food and Nutrition 2.02 Vocab

  1. 2. any surface touched by clean or dirty hands
  2. 6. the range that is above 41°F and below 135°F where bacteria grows the fastest
  3. 9. inability to digest chemicals in food that leads to uncomfortable symptoms
  4. 10. reduces the number of disease-causing microorganisms on equipment and utensils to acceptable public health levels
  5. 13. is the transfer of a harmful substance from one food item to another, usually from raw to cooked or ready-to-eat food
  6. 16. heat or chemical that destroys pathogenic microorganisms to safe levels
  7. 17. to a food that does not contain the allergen
  8. 18. anything that could cause harm to consumers.
  9. 19. foods that can be consumed without preparation or treatment immediately before they are eaten
  10. 21. when food is left in the temperature danger zone for an extended period of time or does not reach its safe internal temperature
  11. 22. an abnormal immune response to proteins in food
  12. 23. when an allergen is unintentionally transferred from a food containing an
  1. 1. a food that requires strict control of time and temperature to limit bacterial growth and/or toxin formation
  2. 3. symptoms have cleared so food handler is approved to work
  3. 4. temperature in the last place of the food to be heated
  4. 5. a surface of equipment or a utensil with which food normally comes into contact or from which food may drain, drip or splash
  5. 7. period of time sanitizer must be in contact with a surface to work properly
  6. 8. symptoms dictate that food handler can’t work with or around food
  7. 11. a food that has undergone temperature treatments, processing, and/or packaging by a government-inspected facility
  8. 12. microorganisms that cause disease.
  9. 14. symptoms or diagnosis dictate that food handler can’t work in food establishment
  10. 15. an instance of a person becoming ill from food; suspected or confirmed.
  11. 20. is the presence of substances in food that can be harmful to humans