Food and Technology

  1. 2. / to have authority and control over
  2. 4. / very modern and existing in the years ahead
  3. 7. / the process of making products, especially with machines in factories
  4. 11. / the important characteristic or part of something
  5. 14. / An instrument or container that is used to do or make something, especially for cooking or eating
  6. 15. / A food that is added to the upper part of another food
  7. 17. / Very careful and exact about the details of something
  8. 18. / having or using machinery
  9. 20. / the way how the parts of something are arranged
  10. 21. / A set of instructions for making food
  11. 23. / to do something as a reaction
  1. 1. / A promise made to repair, replace, or return money for a bought item
  2. 3. / the power of a machine to imitate human behavior
  3. 5. / able to move from one place to another
  4. 6. / one part that goes to make up the whole of something
  5. 7. / the activities that are involved in making people aware of a product
  6. 8. / The use of science in industry and engineering to invent useful things
  7. 9. / A high standard or value
  8. 10. / a mixture that is used to fill something
  9. 12. / A chemical that is added to food to keep it fresh longer
  10. 13. / Something needed to use
  11. 16. / things someone owns
  12. 19. / An amount or measure of something
  13. 20. / a mechanical system to move materials from one place to another
  14. 22. / Having the characteristics of a machine that does a work of a person