Food Chains and Food Web Crossword

  1. 4. An organism that cannot produce its own energy/food
  2. 7. An organism which consumes both plants and other organisms
  3. 9. The chemical process by which organic compounds release energy
  4. 11. An organism that can produce its own food/energy
  5. 12. An organelle within the cells of plants and certain algae that is the site of photosynthesis
  6. 15. A type of bacteria that causes severe, bloody diarrhea
  7. 16. The process in which plants produce their own food by converting water, carbon dioxide and sunlight to create energy
  8. 18. An organism that consumes other organisms
  9. 20. A microscopic organism
  1. 1. A series of food chains which makes up an ecosystem's flow of energy
  2. 2. An organism that consumes only plants
  3. 3. An association between two organisms in which one benefits and the other derives neither benefit nor harm
  4. 5. Organisms that hunt other organisms
  5. 6. A type of antibiotic
  6. 8. Association between organisms of two different species in which each benefits
  7. 10. An organism that can produce its own energy/food
  8. 13. Where an organism lies on a food chain
  9. 14. A graphical portrayal of biomass present in a unit of territory of different trophic levels
  10. 17. A diagram of who eats whom
  11. 19. Organisms that are hunted by other organisms