food chains and food webs

  1. 3. living things
  2. 4. a animal that hunts and eats other animals.
  3. 7. when animals fly away at a particular time of the year to live in another region/climate
  4. 9. all the members of a species living in one area.
  5. 11. an animal that is hunted by other animals/a predator.
  6. 12. shows how all living things rely on other living things for food and it also shows how energy is moved from one living thing to another.
  7. 13. system of chains that connect
  8. 14. a animal that only eats plants.
  9. 15. communities of animal and plants that interact with their environment.
  10. 16. make its own food.
  1. 1. living things that eat other living things.
  2. 2. when an animal spends the winter in deep sleep so they can survive the low temperatures and lack of food.
  3. 5. a animal that eats both meat and plants.
  4. 6. a living thing that can produce.
  5. 8. a animal that only eats meat.
  6. 10. an organism that breaks down dead plants and animals.