Food Chains & Food Web Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. similar to humans, chimps are able to make and use these
  2. 5. a system of interacting living and non living factors in a specified area (like Mono Lake)
  3. 6. this symbol in a food chain or food web shows the flow of energy and ALWAYS points to the predator
  4. 7. organism that takes in sunlight to make its own food for energy
  5. 10. living thing in an ecosystem (like an ant)
  6. 11. the name of the disease that killed many of the chimpanzees
  7. 12. organism that gets its energy by eating other organisms
  8. 13. the term given to the top predator in a food chain
  1. 1. organism that breaks down the dead plants and animals
  2. 2. all populations that interact within an ecosystem
  3. 4. the name of the oldest lake in California (760,000 years old!)
  4. 6. non living thing in an ecosystem (like a rock)
  5. 8. the name of the species that Jane Goodall studied in Africa
  6. 9. one of the apex predators in Mono Lake
  7. 13. one of the producers in Mono Lake