Food Chains + Food Webs

  1. 2. An organism that eats plants and animals
  2. 4. An animal that is hunted by another for food
  3. 6. A group of antibacterial drugs that attack a wide range of bacteria
  4. 9. An organism that captures and eats another
  5. 14. A bacteria that is commonly found in the lower intestine of warm-blooded organisms
  6. 15. Organisms that are too small to be seen without using a microscope
  7. 16. Plant cell organelles that convert light energy into relatively stable chemical energy
  8. 17. All the food chains in a single ecosystem
  9. 18. Organisms that only eat plants/vegetation
  10. 19. The process by which plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to create oxygen and energy in the form of sugar.
  1. 1. The position of an organism in the food chain
  2. 3. Organisms that only eat meat or other animals
  3. 5. The representation of total living biomass or organic matter present at different trophic levels in an ecosystem
  4. 7. An organism that can produce its own food
  5. 8. A relationship in which both species are mutually benefited
  6. 10. An organism that creates its own food or energy
  7. 11. The process that all living things go through to create the energy they need to live
  8. 12. An organism that eats other plants or animals for energy and nutrients
  9. 13. A relationship in which one organism benefits but the other is neither helped nor harmed.
  10. 17. The order of events in an ecosystem