food chem 2

  1. 1. A test in which panellists rank two or more samples in order of preference or intensity for a particular attribute.
  2. 4. Sugar that contains a free carbonyl group.
  3. 7. resistance to flow of a liquid when a shear force is applied
  4. 9. three samples, two of which are alike, one is odd.
  5. 10. foreign material in food, especially substances which are aesthetically objectionable, hazardous to health, or which indicate that unsanitary handling or manufacturing practices have been employed.
  6. 12. a compound of biological origin which accelerates a specific chemical reaction (e.g., pepsin, which accelerates the hydrolysis of protein by hydrochloric acid).
  7. 14. specialized difference tests used to describe specific flavour attributes of a product or to describe degree of difference between products.
  8. 15. savoury taste, given by substances such as monosodium glutamate.
  9. 16. pertaining to an impact of a food on the senses (e.g., vision, odor, taste, tactile senses).
  10. 17. Several (3–10) sugar units joined together by a glycosidic bond.
  11. 18. A test used to determine whether a specific consumer group likes or prefers a particular product.
  12. 19. Many (hundreds or thousands of) sugar units joined together.
  13. 20. samples include a reference food and two samples, one of which is the same as the reference.
  14. 21. the noncarbohydrate component of fiber of plant tissue that is insoluble and excreted from the body. It provides the undesirable woody texture of mature plants.
  1. 2. pressure exerted by water-filled vacuoles on the cytoplasm and the partially elastic cell wall.
  2. 3. Single sugar unit.
  3. 5. the indgestible fiber in cell walls that provides bulk in the diet; may be soluble, but primarily insoluble.
  4. 6. the mature ovaries of plants with their seeds.
  5. 8. the green pigment of fruits and vegetables.
  6. 11. at test method used to determine if there is a perceivable difference between samples.
  7. 13. textural qualities of a food as perceived in the mouth.
  8. 14. Two sugar units joined together by a glycosidic bond.