Food & Drink

  1. 2. It's a long green vegetable. We use it in fresh salads.
  2. 5. It's a round red vegetable. We use it to make soup, sauce, and juice. We can put it on pizza, in burgers and sandwiches, and fresh salads.
  3. 7. It's an orange vegetable. It gives us beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is good for vision and immunity.
  4. 8. Salmon, tuna, cod, seabass, etc.
  5. 10. It's a colour and a fruit.
  6. 12. They come from chicken. We can fry or boil them.
  7. 14. We put it in the toaster to make toasts.
  1. 1. It's a dairy product. We use it on pizza, in burgers, and sandwiches.
  2. 2. It's a bird that we eat.
  3. 3. It's a root vegetable. We can fry, boil or bake it.
  4. 4. It's a black energizing drink. People usually have it in the morning.
  5. 6. It's a write drink. We get it from cows.
  6. 9. It's write and it makes our food and drinks sweet.
  7. 11. "An ... a day, keeps the doctor away" goes an old saying.
  8. 13. Coke, Sprite, Fanta, etc.