Food Flavours

  1. 3. The pizza from that new place is incredibly _______.
  2. 4. The cheese has a ______ flavor that stands out.
  3. 6. I love the taste of ______ food but it’s not good for my blood pressure.
  4. 7. A glass of cold water is so ________ on a hot day.
  5. 12. I prefer _______ dishes over sweet ones.
  6. 13. The salsa was too ______ for my taste; I prefer it to be spicier.
  7. 14. The burgers were _______ and dripping with oil.
  8. 16. I love snacking on ________ foods like chips.
  9. 19. Indian and Mexican food is known for being _______.
  1. 1. Avocado is a healthy, ________ food to have in your diet.
  2. 2. The dark chocolate had a slight ______ taste to it.
  3. 5. The soup was so ______ I couldn't finish it; it needed more salt.
  4. 8. My face always puckers whenever I eat something too _______.
  5. 9. ________ fish is an excellent source of omega 3 and protein.
  6. 10. Don’t leave cereal in milk for too long; it will get _______.
  7. 11. "I like my coffee _______." "Really, no cream or sugar?!"
  8. 15. I have a major weakness for anything ________, especially cake.
  9. 17. The addition of soy sauce gives the dish a nice _______ flavor.
  10. 18. The caramel in the chocolate made it nice and _______ .