Food Food Food

  1. 3. apple or a banana for example.
  2. 6. You need a recipe to make it.
  3. 7. It is part of an English breakfast.
  4. 10. a red vegetable
  5. 11. dough, tomato, mozzarella etc ... what it is
  6. 14. a burger with cheese
  7. 15. energy drink
  1. 1. You can eat it in fast food restaurants.
  2. 2. a yellow fruit
  3. 4. People from Britain drink more of it than people from Germany.
  4. 5. Usually we eat it with chips.
  5. 8. A drink many adults like for breakfast.
  6. 9. a tropical fruit
  7. 12. Many people eat it while watching TV.
  8. 13. a green vegetables
  9. 14. A drink that has a lot of sugar in it.