- 2. I'm yellow and sweet. Sometimes people put me in their tea
- 3. You need me to make a toast or sandwich
- 5. Cats love me!
- 7. I'm a tropical fruit with yellow flesh
- 9. Eat us fried, boiled or scrambled
- 12. We are made from potatoes
- 15. I'm a delicious fried, grilled or roasted meat
- 16. We are purple vegetable
- 17. I'm a popular fast food with a sausage in the middle
- 1. I'm a long yellow fruit
- 4. I'm a round fruit. I can be green or apple
- 6. I'm cold and sweet. I am especially eaten on a hot day
- 8. I'm white and make everything sweet
- 10. We are a small fruit and can be used to make wine
- 11. We are a small red fruit. We grow on trees
- 13. I'm black and strong
- 14. Rabbits just love this vegetable
- 15. I' yellow and people like me on their pizza