Food, food, food

  1. 5. Apples, oranges, bananas, mangoes are___.
  2. 6. This green vegetable looks like little trees.
  3. 9. A meat that comes from pigs and is thin strips.
  4. 10. These are made from potatoes, are commonly served at fast food restaurants.
  5. 11. Meat that comes from a cow is called ______.
  6. 13. Comes from cows, goats, and sheep, it is eaten on sandwiches often.
  7. 14. A food item common in all countries, containing hot liquid, meat and vegetables.
  8. 15. People from many countries drink these beverages full of sugar and bubbles.
  9. 16. This is the first meal of the day.
  10. 18. This common breakfast food is served in a bowl with milk.
  11. 20. This beverage is served warm and made with milk.
  12. 21. This small white grain is commonly used in many countries.
  13. 22. A food item using bread, meat and cheese.
  14. 25. A drink that comes from fruits.
  15. 27. These root vegetables are originally from South America. We use it to make French Fries.
  16. 29. This eating utensil is commonly used to eat meat and vegetables.
  17. 30. An Italian food with tomato sauce and meatballs.
  18. 33. A long, yellow fruit.
  19. 35. A kind of fruit, usually red.
  20. 36. A very large fish that is served fresh or canned.
  21. 37. Many people have them in their garden.
  1. 1. This eating utensil is needed to eat soup.
  2. 2. A beverage that everyone on the planet drinks.
  3. 3. This eating utensil is needed to put butter on bread.
  4. 4. This fruit has the same name as the color of the fruit.
  5. 6. A sandwich made of grilled beef patties.
  6. 7. We cook a cake inside of an __________.
  7. 8. This dessert is common for Birthdays and Holidays.
  8. 12. A drink many adults like for breakfast.
  9. 13. This long vegetable can be eaten raw or cooked, is usually orange in color.
  10. 14. This food item originated in Mexico, made with tomatoes, onions, hot peppers and cilantro.
  11. 17. A vegetable that can be red, yellow, orange, pink and purple. It comes from the Americas..
  12. 19. We eat soup out of a ________.
  13. 23. We use this cloth or paper item when eating to wipe out mouth or fingers.
  14. 24. We use this to quickly heat up food.
  15. 26. This vegetable which is usually yellow, comes from the Americas.
  16. 28. This food item is produced by chickens, ducks, turkeys and other birds.
  17. 31. Many people eat it in Italian restaurants, with pepperoni or vegetables on top.
  18. 32. You have it with cornflakes.
  19. 33. This food item, made from flour, water, salt and yeast.
  20. 34. The flat item we use to put our food when we eat dinner.