Food for Special Needs- yr 9 food tech

  1. 4. beliefs/ people have these in certain types of cultures and relate to the consumption of certain foods
  2. 5. / a type of probiotic
  3. 6. modified/ abbreviation is GM
  4. 7. carte/ type of menu
  5. 8. / abnormal or excessive fat in the body
  6. 11. an allergy to peanuts
  7. 14. needs/ relating to people who have specific requirements
  8. 15. heart foundation approval logo
  9. 17. intolerance/ intolerance to dairy products
  10. 18. last stage in the life cycle
  1. 1. a person who does not eat meat
  2. 2. disease/ the name for a gluten intolerance
  3. 3. a protein that is found in rice, wheat and flour
  4. 9. an item used as a decoration for food.
  5. 10. a chronic condition where sugars in the blood are too high
  6. 12. when consumed puts healthy bacteria into the gut
  7. 13. milk/ milk that is suitable for people wanting to lose weight and is fat free
  8. 16. / hypersensitive disorder of the immune system