Food Glorious Food

  1. 2. something that tastes horrible and makes you feel sick
  2. 9. not cooked
  3. 10. adjective used to describe food without a strong flavour
  4. 12. a set of instructions for making a particular dish
  5. 13. cooked in hot water
  6. 15. adjective to describe food that tastes very nice
  7. 16. the very hard part in the middle of a fruit that you don’t eat
  8. 17. an area just outside a building or room where you can sit
  1. 1. the amount of food you have on your plate
  2. 3. the part of your body where food goes when you eat it
  3. 4. a small dish you eat at the beginning of your meal
  4. 5. a table outside, for example in a market or on the street, where people sell things
  5. 6. cooked in oil
  6. 7. a green leaf you use to flavour your food
  7. 8. cooked on a barbecue or under a strong heat
  8. 11. a sweet dish you eat at the end of your meal
  9. 12. cooked in the oven
  10. 14. a small amount of food that people eat that is not part of their regular meals