Food Groups and Nutrition

  1. 2. food group that helps build cells, protect our organs, helps our hormones, has vitamins A,D,K, and stores energy
  2. 5. food group that helps us heal and go to the bathroom
  3. 8. food group that contains calcium and helps us have strong bones
  4. 9. 芒果 in English
  5. 10. 維生素 in English
  6. 11. food group that is good for our heart, helps us use the bathroom, and good for your eyes
  7. 12. 西瓜 in English
  8. 13. 茄子 in English
  9. 17. 免疫系統 in English
  1. 1. 苦瓜 in English
  2. 3. 青椒 in English
  3. 4. 香蕉 in English
  4. 6. food group that helps us keep warm and have energy
  5. 7. food group that helps us grow and builds the immune system
  6. 14. 麵包 in English
  7. 15. 奇異果 in English
  8. 16. fruit with the most Vitamin C