Food Handler Training

  1. 2. Organization responsible for inspecting most food items, excluding meat, poultry and eggs.
  2. 3. Occurs when two or more individuals experience similar symptoms after eating the same food.
  3. 6. Standard practice: Properly mark and date your food items.
  4. 7. Items should be delivered in their initial packaging with a manufacture's label.
  5. 9. Proper thermometer usage: Place the measuring part into the thickest part of the dish.
  6. 11. TTC, cross contamination, poor personal hygiene are three causes of what safety issues?
  7. 13. Minimum temperature to hold hot TCS foods.
  8. 14. Store ready- to eat- food on this shelf.
  9. 15. The safe temperature for cooking poultry to ensure its fit for consumption. (ex: 120= onetwozero)
  10. 19. The recommended method for thawing frozen food safely.
  11. 20. This station should have a garbage container, hot and cold water, signage, a way to dry hands, and soap.
  12. 23. Protein found in wheat, barley, rye, and triticale.
  13. 24. Illness for high risk preschool children, elderly people, and people with compromised immune systems.
  14. 25. Food handlers should not wear this on their hands and arms before prepping or when working around prep areas.
  15. 28. Food requiring time and temperature control to limit pathogen growth.
  16. 31. Prevent cross contamination by using different utensils for customers with allergens.
  17. 32. The process of cooling hot food from 135F to 70F within two hours.
  18. 34. Useful for checking the temperature of large or thick food.
  1. 1. Food that can be eaten without further: preparation, washing, and cooking
  2. 2. Temperature danger zone (Ex: 30—180= threezerooneeighty)
  3. 4. Expired, damaged, soiled, or incorrectly stored food.
  4. 5. Self service areas are vulnerable to this.
  5. 8. The process of heating food to a specific temperature to kill harmful microorganisms.
  6. 10. Food becomes unsafe from __ _______ abuse, cross- contamination, poor personal hygiene, poor cleaning and sanitizing.
  7. 12. Part of the plate a food handler should avoid touching when serving customers.
  8. 16. The maximum temperature for storing cold food in a refrigerator.
  9. 17. Time frame of cooling hot food from 135F-70F to meet safety standards. (ex: 8hrs=eight)
  10. 18. Appropriate action for hot TCS food left unrefrigerated during a six-hour power outage.
  11. 21. Milk, soy, eggs, wheat, fish, peanuts, shellfish, and tree nuts are major causes of adverse reactions
  12. 22. Unacceptable action in sinks for food prep or waste water.
  13. 26. What should a food handler do after leaving and returning to the prep area?
  14. 27. The number of seconds that hands should be washed with soap and water to prevent improper hygiene (Ex: 45= fourfive).
  15. 29. Maximum water temperature allowed when thawing food under running water (Ex: 40=fourzero)
  16. 30. To maintain hygiene for opened or drained infected wounds, cuts, and boils
  17. 33. When receiving goods, assess their quality using appearance, texture, and odor.