Food I Will Try

  1. 4. A snack found in Korea often with a twist, like adding french fries or sweet potato around the batter.
  2. 6. A fish-shaped pastry filled with sweet red bean paste, commonly sold as street food in winter.
  3. 8. Steamed buns filled with sweet red bean paste, often enjoyed as a snack or dessert in Korea.
  4. 11. A staple grain in Korean cuisine, often served steamed as a side dish with every meal.
  5. 12. A Korean dish of marinated, grilled beef, known for its sweet and savory flavor.
  6. 13. A hot beverage enjoyed worldwide, with Korean varieties including green, barley, and ginseng.
  7. 16. A Korean egg bread, a warm, fluffy loaf with a whole egg inside.
  8. 17. A traditional Korean side dish of fermented vegetables, typically seasoned with chili pepper and garlic.
  9. 18. A twisted Korean doughnut, coated in sugar and sometimes filled with red bean paste.
  1. 1. Gamja - Also known as "tornado potatoes," a spiraled and fried potato on a stick, often seasoned.
  2. 2. A Korean dish made from cooked rice and other ingredients rolled in dried seaweed sheets, resembling sushi rolls.
  3. 3. A traditional Korean street candy made from melted sugar and baking soda, recently popularized as a coffee.
  4. 5. Toast - A popular Korean street food, this is a savory toast with cabbage, egg, and a sweet-spicy sauce.
  5. 7. A noodle soup dish originally from Japan but widely popular in Korea with its unique variations.
  6. 9. A carbonated milk and yogurt-flavored beverage, unique to Korean grocery shelves.
  7. 10. A sweet Korean pancake filled with a mixture of brown sugar, nuts, and cinnamon, typically eaten in winter.
  8. 12. Milk A sweet, flavored milk beverage popular in Korea, known for its distinctive bright packaging.
  9. 14. Korean dumplings filled with a mixture of ingredients, including meat and vegetables, either steamed, boiled, or fried.
  10. 15. A popular Korean dish featuring chicken that is double-fried and coated in a sweet and spicy sauce.