Food Preservation

  1. 2. A word used to describe the bad smell of rotten meat
  2. 3. These organisms, if present in dry food like rice and flour, indicates that they have been kept for too long
  3. 8. The term used to describe food undergoing an undesirable change due to microorganisms or environmental factors
  4. 9. The unit for energy in food
  5. 10. Describes frozen food left at room temperature to soften
  6. 12. A kind of microorganisms that thrives in raw meat
  7. 15. A type of food additive used to enhance flavour of food, eating too much of it is unhealthy
  8. 16. A method of preserving food where moisture is removed from food through evaporation
  1. 1. A kind of heat treatment method that heats food like milk up to a high temperature of 132°C for one second
  2. 2. These are food additives like sugar and salt added to food to prolong its shelf-life
  3. 4. In the presence of his gas, fats in food may turn rancid and cause food to spoil
  4. 5. The term used to describe food that spoils quickly
  5. 6. A fuzzy looking microorganism that grows on food like bread and fruits
  6. 7. These type of food does not need to be refrigerated but should be kept away from heat and sunlight
  7. 11. The best way to maximise the amount of nutrients in vegetables consumed is to eat them this way
  8. 13. The part of the refrigerator suitable for storing fruits and vegetables
  9. 14. The texture of egg whites that are overcooked