Food Resources: Variations in Food Consumption Pattern

  1. 3. Population growth rates are higher in LDC due to a lack of family planning and farm __________.
  2. 4. Government increase food supply by __________ food from other countries.
  3. 7. Increasing food __________ includes improving technology and use of more agricultural land.
  4. 8. Civil war and natural disasters disrupt the __________ of food supply.
  5. 9. People in DC consume fast food because it is affordable and __________.
  1. 1. __________ makes fast food available in LDC.
  2. 2. Food safety refers to a system that provides guidelines, and ensures proper handling, __________ and storage of food.
  3. 5. Organic food is __________ to be healthier.
  4. 6. People in LDC are more __________ to price changes.