Food Safety

  1. 5. Biological catalysts that speed up reactions
  2. 8. An enzyme produced in the stomach of cows-used in cheese making
  3. 9. When an unwanted substance is transferred onto another
  4. 12. A type of food poisoning bacteria that can multiple at fridge temperatures-often in milk products
  5. 15. The name given to the temperature range of 5-63 deg where most bacteria can multiply
  6. 16. Boiling fruit/veg for a short time to destroy enzymes then plunging into cold water
  7. 17. Harmful bacteria which can cause food poisoning
  8. 20. The gas released when yeast ferments
  9. 21. Single celled microorganisms, some can cause food poisoning
  10. 23. A heat treatment of food that kills most bacteria
  11. 24. The loss of water soluble vitamins on exposure to heat/air
  12. 25. Food quality is best before this date but is still safe after this date
  13. 26. Foods which are ready to eat and high in moisture and protein-they easily support the growth of bacteria
  1. 1. The main cause of food poisoning in the UK
  2. 2. Chemicals added to food to increase shelf life
  3. 3. Food must be consumed by this date to prevent food poisoning
  4. 4. When yeasts reproduce by feeding on sugar
  5. 6. Fresh foods that decay rapidly
  6. 7. When food loses quality and becomes inedible
  7. 10. Meaning to kill bacteria
  8. 11. A type of food poisoning bacteria, sometimes on undercooked meat, eggs or chicken
  9. 13. A food poisoning bacteria often associated with undercooked meat
  10. 14. Means without oxygen
  11. 18. Means with oxygen
  12. 19. single celled fungi- cane be used in bread making
  13. 22. Refers to temperatures at 17 to 20 deg, also known as room temp