Food Safety

  1. 3. If you can use _______________ cutting boards
  2. 4. When cleaning wash hands and ___________________ often
  3. 5. Divide leftovers into small __________________ to get foods cold faster
  4. 7. ________________ defrost foods at room temperature
  5. 9. ________________ scissors or blades used to cut open food packages
  6. 14. Machine wash dishcloths; aprons and towels often and replace ______________ every few weeks
  7. 17. 4 easy steps to eliminate harmful bacteria (4 words, no spaces)
  8. 20. Results from eating food that contains enough harmful microorganisms or their toxins to cause illness
  9. 21. Once you've tasted a food don't _________________ dip
  1. 1. Perishable foods should be brought to _____________ temperature before cooking
  2. 2. Marinate foods in the ______________________
  3. 6. A food thermometer is an __________________ tool for the kitchen
  4. 8. Proper hand washing may _______________________ nearly half of all cases of foodborne illness
  5. 10. Keep raw meats and their juices ___________________ from one another and other foods
  6. 11. Place ___________ produce in clean containers
  7. 12. Refrigerate or freeze ________________ foods within 2 hours of purchase or preparation
  8. 13. When chilling; refrigerate or _________________ food promptly
  9. 15. Fridge temperature should be _____________ 4°C
  10. 16. Frequently _________________ your kitchen using a chlorine bleach solution
  11. 18. Store eggs in original ______________________
  12. 19. Place meats on a plate and store on the ____________ shelf of the fridge to prevent them from dripping onto other foods
  13. 22. Cold temperatures will prevent MOST harmful __________________ from growi