Food safety / Kitchen safety

  1. 5. after a certain food you have a certain reaction
  2. 6. turns hot to cook food
  3. 8. used to hold hot dishes
  4. 9. sensitivity to certain foods
  5. 11. becterium,virus or fungus
  6. 16. bacteria transfers through one sunstance to another
  7. 18. the right degree for the right igrediant
  8. 19. substance used with water to clean hands
  1. 1. to keep certain foods cold
  2. 2. illness caused by toxic food or bacteria
  3. 3. preventing disease by cleanliness
  4. 4. types of food contamination
  5. 7. to sanitize
  6. 9. eating or drinking contaminated food or water
  7. 10. a board used to cut foods
  8. 12. ending period time for food
  9. 13. to keep hair out of face
  10. 14. sharp untensil used to cut foods
  11. 15. disconnect electrical device
  12. 17. to keep certain foods away from eachother