Food Safety

  1. 2. At this temperature bacteria starts to die
  2. 5. ___________ Contains edible mould .
  3. 8. Bacteria _________ at freezing point.
  4. 9. Some ______ of food poisining are diarrhea,nausea, fever & vomiting
  5. 10. Oxygen, Warmth, Food, Moisture, and time are the 5 conditions bacteria needs to _______.
  6. 11. Never put chemicals in food ___________.
  7. 12. The tinest bit of food can cause an ___________.
  8. 15. Cook,clean,chill, and seperate are the four aspects to_____
  9. 16. The area between 4-60 degrees is called the ____________.
  10. 17. Allergies are most likely to affect babies because of their underdevolped _________ system.
  11. 20. Food should not be more than 2 _______ in the danger zone.
  1. 1. Cut away __________ spots on food , because they can contain bacteria.
  2. 3. Never defrost food at room temperature because ________ will multiply.
  3. 4. Always ______ surfaces when finished with preparing food
  4. 6. Bacteria spreads through _________________.
  5. 7. __________ is found in eggs & Chicken.
  6. 13. Incase of an alergic reation , use an ___________.
  7. 14. Food intolerance is a reaction to __________ in food.
  8. 18. The most common micro organism is _________.
  9. 19. Keep food refridgerated at ______ degrees celsus or less.