Food safety

  1. 4. if this is left in the sink mold could grow
  2. 6. make sure all of these are clean before using
  3. 7. if meat is under cooked you could get this
  4. 8. to prevent this make sure bacteria doesn't get on the food
  5. 9. use different cutting boards to prevent this
  6. 10. always follow this to avoid bad tasting meals
  7. 11. always check this on products before using them
  8. 12. these foods must be thrown out if left out of the fridge for more than 4 hours
  9. 14. these products must be stored bellow 4 degrees Celsius
  10. 15. you do this to meat for 1-3 hours changing the water every 30 mins
  11. 16. always keep your hair in this ( or up) before cooking
  12. 18. found in the fridge
  1. 1. most bacteria is killed
  2. 2. make sure to only keep these for a maximum of 4 days
  3. 3. used to cut and prepare some foods
  4. 5. make sure you do this before entering kitchen
  5. 11. if food is contaminated you might get this
  6. 12. birds such as chicken/turkey
  7. 13. use one of these to cover a cut
  8. 17. make sure never to eat these raw