Food safety!

  1. 1. main place bacteria spreads
  2. 2. causes vomiting,double vision,and fertigue
  3. 7. causes stomach cramps,fever,and diarrhea
  4. 9. causes head ache,fever,and nasuea
  5. 11. most obvious micro organism
  6. 12. bacteria starts to slow down
  7. 13. bacteria needs the to grow
  8. 14. zone 5-60
  1. 1. cutting meat and vegetable on the same cutting board
  2. 3. eating to much food to fast can cause you to
  3. 4. bacteria starts to die
  4. 5. great in protein
  5. 6. found in beer and is one of the common micro orginisms
  6. 8. contains edible mould
  7. 10. causes diarrhea, nauses