Food tec

  1. 2. something to wear n top of clothes to keep clothes clean
  2. 4. gloves uses when the oven is hot and when u need to get something out of the oven when hot
  3. 5. jug used for measuring
  4. 8. used to mix or take something out of a bowl
  5. 9. board something that is stable to chop things on
  6. 13. a food that is usually at a party
  7. 14. an object to store cold things in
  8. 15. shoes thing to wear to make sure you dont get hurt
  9. 18. a subject at most schools
  10. 19. used for washing hands
  11. 21. crackers and
  12. 22. used to Make cheese
  1. 1. used for chopping veggies or something that needs chopping
  2. 3. used to make the final step for cookie, biscuits, etc
  3. 6. used to mix ingredients
  4. 7. a type of measurement
  5. 9. a type of sweet savoury
  6. 10. things you need to collect to make the recipe
  7. 11. used to heat things or warm food of any type toaster usually used for bread or some type
  8. 12. beater used for eggs
  9. 16. an object that washes dirty dishes
  10. 17. used to hold substances
  11. 20. a way of saying instructions