Food technology

  1. 3. Where in the kitchen will you find a balloon whisk?
  2. 4. What piece of equipment do you use to drain pasta?
  3. 5. Where in the kitchen will you find a saucepan?
  4. 6. What do you use to put something in a oven?
  5. 7. What do you clean before cooking?
  6. 13. Where in a supermarket will you find Ice Cream?
  7. 14. Howe many seconds do you need to wash your hands?
  8. 15. What do you need to tie up?
  9. 16. What do you need to follow in the kitchen?
  10. 17. What do you need to wear before you start to cook?
  11. 18. Where is a supermarket would you find bread?
  12. 20. What piece of equipment do we use to measure liquid?
  1. 1. what do you need to wash before cooking?
  2. 2. What piece of equipment do you use prepare vegetables with shin on?
  3. 5. What can happen if you use the same knife for cutting meat and vegetables?
  4. 8. How do you boil water?
  5. 9. What song can you sing when washing your hands?
  6. 10. what shelf does raw meat go on?
  7. 11. what piece of equipment do you use for cheese?
  8. 12. What tea does Vicky drink?
  9. 19. What colour plaster do you wear in the kitchen?