Food web

  1. 2. Make & produce their own food
  2. 5. Only eats producers
  3. 7. Consume other plants & animals for energy
  4. 9. Water vapor turns to liquid
  5. 10. The process in which water changes from liquid to gas/vapor
  6. 12. When water runs over the surface of the Earth
  7. 15. When ay liquid that forms in the atmosphere falls back down to the Earth
  8. 16. Eats both producers & consumers
  1. 1. Runoff water that is below the surface
  2. 3. A graphical representation of the flow of energy in trophic levels
  3. 4. A build up of toxins in a food chain
  4. 6. Movement of water through the soil
  5. 8. Breaks down & recycle dead material
  6. 11. Only eats consumers
  7. 13. A body of porous rock or sediment saturated with groundwater
  8. 14. A biogeochemical process through which nitrogen is converted into many forms