Food Web

  1. 1. an organism that gets its energy by eating other organisms
  2. 4. the amount of energy that is available for the next trophic level; rule of _____
  3. 6. an organism that eats plants
  4. 10. an organism that can consume both plants and animals
  5. 11. consumers are organisms that eat secondary consumers
  6. 12. consumers are organisms that eat primary consumers
  7. 13. consumers are organism that eat primary producers
  8. 14. an organism that consumes dead or decaying matter
  1. 2. an organism that makes its own food from light or elements
  2. 3. the network of all the inter-related food chains
  3. 5. the organism's position in a food chain - __________ level
  4. 7. consumers are organisms that eat tertiary consumers
  5. 8. the sequence of who consumes whom in a biological community
  6. 9. an organism that eats other organisms