Food words

  1. 7. is another way to say medium dry, un-sweet. This word is borrowed from wine world.
  2. 8. means pungent but in the fetid, smelly, foul, stale, rancid, definitely bad way; offensive to the smell or taste and not fresh.
  3. 9. caustic, piercing, penetrating, stinging, sharp, severe, mordant, stinging.
  4. 12. anything sour, bitter, or sharp
  5. 13. sharp, sharp-tasting that is, bitter, acid or acidic, harsh, sour taste, just like a lemon. Sweet, honeyed and the like words are the opposite.
  6. 14. usually applied to wine- means robust, or rich and intense flavor and aroma; it would be a wine that feels heavy in the mouth.
  7. 17. flavor is smooth, rich, full, soft, or melodious; usually a pleasant, fully developed flavor reached after an adequate aging period.
  8. 18. biting, harsh, sharp, cutting, acerbic, severe, rough, acrid, mordant, caustic. It is not mild, soft, or gentle.
  9. 19. food has a vivid, spicy, piquant, utterly savory flavor; feels invigorating, stimulating, fresh and reviving.
  10. 21. comes as soothing, balmy, mild, gentle, temperate, tranquil, and calm.
  1. 1. and salty, savory, spicy, tasty or zesty are very similar words.
  2. 2. strictly used, refers to edible and pleasant food, or you could even write tasty, appetizing or delicious instead, something really pleasant to the sense of taste.
  3. 3. food is bad, stale, rotten, completely off; the opposite of fresh food.
  4. 4. relates to the sense of taste, to the sensation in the taste buds.
  5. 5. is sweet but overly so, syrupy and saccharine to the point of being disgusting.
  6. 6. stands for ambrosial, delicious or sweet; something that reminds you of nectar, the drink of the gods –in Greek mythology, therefore it would seem more to the point using it for liquids than for solid food.
  7. 7. is another way to say sugary, syrupy, maybe treacly; certainly it’s overly sweet and opposite to bitter.
  8. 10. food is juicy, moist, tender, lush, luscious food;usually sweet tasting and the opposite of dry, flavorless food.
  9. 11. the food of the gods, and epicurean delight, food fit for a king, delicacy, heavenly spread, gastronomical delight, some apply this term to the pièce de résistance in a meal.
  10. 15. comes as soothing, balmy, mild, gentle, temperate, tranquil, and calm.
  11. 16. sweet, honeyed, pleasant, in a gentle way, something in harmony with your taste or liking.
  12. 20. refers to the flavor or strong odor of game, especially game that is starting to spoil. It would be malodorous and rancid, certainly not fresh. It is a word more often applied to other areas than to food.