Food - Words

  1. 3. Schweinefleisch
  2. 4. Vorspeise
  3. 5. Kartoffelchips
  4. 6. has good effects on your body
  5. 8. makes you feel full, feel that you have eaten a lot of food
  6. 9. Ernährung
  7. 10. Vitamine
  8. 13. has bad effects on your body, doesn't do you good (schädlich)
  9. 18. tastes very very bad (ekehaft, ekelerregend)
  10. 19. full of the natural things your body needs (nahrhaft)
  11. 21. new, not frozen or in a tin
  12. 23. tastes very very good (geschmackvoll, lecker)
  1. 1. Kohlehydrate
  2. 2. Nachspeise
  3. 3. Eiweiß
  4. 5. Pommes Frites
  5. 7. Rindfleisch
  6. 11. Hauptspeise
  7. 12. schnelle Mahlzeiten
  8. 14. Mineralstoffe
  9. 15. not natural, man-made (künstlich)
  10. 16. wertloses Essen
  11. 17. makes you become heavier
  12. 20. the opposite of healthy
  13. 22. Fette