
  1. 2. Gives you energy
  2. 3. Cabbage, Spinach
  3. 5. C, D, B, K,
  4. 8. SI Unit for food energy
  5. 9. Provides heat insulation
  6. 10. a right amount of all foods
  7. 11. food is used in our bodies for this
  8. 14. Sugar, Starch, Fibre
  9. 15. A guide to healthy eating
  10. 17. needed for healthy bones
  1. 1. used for repair of cells
  2. 4. Calcium, Iron
  3. 6. Oranges, Lemons, Limes
  4. 7. Found in potatoes and rice
  5. 11. A reducing sugar
  6. 12. used for the test of fats
  7. 13. you should eat 3-5 servings of these each day
  8. 15. Prevents constipation
  9. 16. Number of food types
  10. 18. A source of Vitamin D