- 2. - To press something in order to get liquid out of it
- 3. - The English translation of 'forel'
- 4. - A green oval citrusfruit
- 6. - When a dish is made with too much oil, it is __________
- 7. - The English translation of 'gember'
- 10. - The English translation of 'kaneel'
- 11. - The English translation of 'kreeft'
- 15. - A vegetable which comes in many colours and strengths of hotness
- 1. - A ____ of garlic
- 2. - When something is hard to digest, it is ___________
- 5. - The meat of a deer
- 8. - The English translation of 'gevogelte'
- 9. - To make a liquid flow out of something
- 12. - To mix a liquid or food by moving a spoon around is to __________
- 13. - The English translation of 'witloof'
- 14. - The meat of a calf
- 16. - The meat of a pig is called ______