
  1. 3. containing salt, or tasting like salt
  2. 5. the meat from a cow
  3. 7. a large piece of equipment in a kitchen that you heat, usually with electricity or gas, to cook food in
  4. 8. tasting of salt or spices and not sweet
  5. 9. a flat round dish that you put food on
  6. 10. to cook something over a fire on a flat frame of metal bars
  7. 11. a hard round vegetable with green or purple leaves
  8. 12. to mix together the white and yellow parts of an egg
  9. 15. the American equivalent is stove
  10. 16. a fruit with a furry yellowish-pink skin
  11. 17. to cook meat or vegetables in an oven or over a fire
  1. 1. to cook food in hot oil or fat
  2. 2. to make bread, cakes etc using an oven
  3. 3. tasting like sugar
  4. 4. to cook food in very hot water
  5. 6. a flat metal pan with a long handle, used for cooking food in hot oil or fat
  6. 9. a small plant with curly leaves
  7. 12. a round deep metal container with a long handle, used for cooking food on a cooker
  8. 13. having a strong sharp taste that is not sweet
  9. 14. with a taste like a lemon