
  1. 3. you eat soup with this tool
  2. 5. not solid
  3. 6. apples, oranges and grapes are ___
  4. 9. first meal of the day
  5. 10. small spoon
  6. 14. made in your house
  7. 15. on top of a pizza
  8. 17. tool to eat spaghetti
  9. 18. white and sweet
  10. 19. add a ___ of salt
  11. 21. cook in the oven
  12. 22. 1/2
  1. 1. add a ___ of flour
  2. 2. tool to cut things
  3. 3. big spoon
  4. 4. eating an 12:00
  5. 7. 1/3
  6. 8. Something to drink
  7. 11. book with recipes
  8. 12. 1/4
  9. 13. eat three times a day
  10. 15. fried potatoes
  11. 16. comes from the chicken (hen)
  12. 17. cook in oïl
  13. 20. not like
  14. 21. cook in water
  15. 23. water animal