
  1. 3. dish What you eat with your meat
  2. 4. With salt
  3. 5. Chilis are ...
  4. 9. Say what you would like to eat
  5. 10. It tells you how to cook something
  6. 11. Yellow fruit
  7. 15. A place where you can order food
  8. 17. Paper that tells you the price
  9. 18. Asian people eat this a lot
  10. 19. Grows in the forest, can make you sick
  11. 20. Food from the sea
  1. 1. Person who serves food
  2. 2. Meat in burgers
  3. 4. A salad is a good ...
  4. 6. A liquid starter
  5. 7. Person who doesn't eat meat
  6. 8. Red or white
  7. 12. cream Cold dessert
  8. 13. Many people like it
  9. 14. Very tasty
  10. 16. List of dishes