
  1. 2. It's what you eat at the end of a meal
  2. 5. It's slimy, has tentacles and lives in the sea
  3. 7. What was first, the .. or the egg?
  4. 8. Is it fruit or vegetable?
  5. 10. the brothers of lemons
  6. 12. Have a stone in them
  7. 14. Made Pop Eye strong
  8. 16. Swims in the sea
  9. 17. You eat this for your birthday
  1. 1. Green leaves
  2. 3. Cold in summer
  3. 4. Usually on a campfire
  4. 5. The vitamins stay in
  5. 6. Grows upside down on trees
  6. 9. You eat them raw
  7. 11. Cows have four of them
  8. 13. You can ... cheese
  9. 15. What Italians eat